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E-ConsentPro Patient

E-ConsentPro Patient at a glance

Create more time for targeted consultation and information in everyday hospital life and offer your patients the opportunity to prepare intensively in advance for a medical consultation and/or a planned procedure with E-ConsentPro Patient.

  • Device-independent web application: Patients record medical history data independently, on the go on their smartphone, tablet or laptop, for example at home.
  • Needs-based medical history and educational content: Patients have mobile access to information such as medication names or educational sheets and films in different languages.
  • Efficient medical history process: Medical history data is transmitted as FHIR Questionnaire Response and is available to all involved parties. Structured data can also be transmitted to further systems via HL7 v2 ORU.
  • Data security: E-ConsentPro Patient complies to a high degree with current data protection and data security requirements.
  • KHZG-eligible: E-ConsentPro Patient is KHZG-eligible according to funding category 2.

Functions of E-ConsentPro Patient at a glance

E-ConsentPro Patient Web-App

Patient*innen erfassen die Anamnesedaten ohne Installation einer Applikation auf ihrem Smartphone, Tablet oder Laptop und erhalten gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen zu einer ggf. geplanten Maßnahme. Die Daten stehen somit frühzeitig für das Arzt-Patienten-Gespräch zur Verfügung. Sie benötigen kein Patientenportal.

E-ConsentPro Patient FHIR

Patient*innen beantworten Fragen zur Basis- und Pflegeanamnese in Ihrem Patientenportal. Die Daten werden als FHIR Questionnnaire Response an E-ConsentPro übermittelt und stehen Ärzt*innen und Pflege zur Verfügung.

Technische Vorrausetzungen

  • Grundmodul E-ConsentPro ab Version 5.0.1
  • Zusatzmodul E-ConsentPro mobil
  • SMTP-Server
  • zur Nutzung in Haus/Klinik WLAN-Verbindung (im Haus/Klink)

How E-ConsentPro Patient works

By patients at home

Patients log in to the patient portal and answer the medical history questions.

Have you ever been treated with hormones or antibodies?
(Intervention-related medical history)

Do you have a metabolic disease (e.g. diabetes, gout)?
(Basic medical history)

Do you have problems climbing stairs independently?
(Care history)


In the doctor-patient consultation

Doctors see the patient's medical history data in the app "Aufklärung mobil" and can offer them information directly on the tablet, with a final electronic signature and secure archiving as a PDF/A document.

After the clinic/practice

The nursing history data is transferred to RECOM GRIPS from RECOM. This means that information is available to the nursing staff at an early stage for needs-based care.

In the current Flyer you will find all important information at a glance: E-ConsentPro Patient Flyer